The best places to buy watches on line is through the big online corporations.
1.They guarantee authenticity of the product(not fake)
2.Good return policy
3.Greater discounts due to no physical shop overheads
4. Safe payment systems.
5.Greater selection and time saving.
Be aware.Like buying any product on line, do your research well beforehand.
a)After choosing a watch,go to the manufactures site and control if it has the same specifications and looks.check to see if its a replica.
b)check to see if the vendor is an authorized dealer(is this a grey market watch?Watches that are usualy old stock sold to wholesalers without guarantee)
c)control returns policy before you buy
d)make sure its a secure website(SSL) for card payments.
e)check warranty issues.What type, length and by whom.
Buying a watch on internet lies in the question of how much faith you have in purchasing products online.Bad deals are a risk when buying from non authorised dealers on all goods purchased even in stores.So the rule is always be careful and take the time to do the research.