Need to buy a new watch on line?Before you start , the following series of instructions will help you save time in your search, and conclude with a satisfactory purchase.Before browsing through pages upon pages of offers on watches, take pen and paper and answer these few questions to reduce your search time by75%.
- Why do you need a new watch? (suggestions;personal use/a gift/collector/etc….Old watch broken that’s not worth fixing……)
- What’s the price range your willing to pay? (This is your biggest time saver in your search.Use the search by price filter on the watch site.)
- What type of watch are you looking for? ..(e.g Category: luxury watch,swiss watch, mans or womans watch,armywatch,sportswatch,chronometer, chronograph,stop watch , army watch,particular brand name watch,replica watch etc….)
4. Are you willing to buy from overseas on line stores? (if yes; check if there are any extra shipping costs or import duty charges.) Answered these four simple questions, you can now search for the watch your looking for.